Hindsight is 20/20.
There's plenty of mediocre, bastardized tannin and accompanying advice out there. Armies of salespeople touting the latest thing until it becomes a cacophony of pseudo- science makes it hard to hear the voice of truth.
The easy answer? Keep it simple with consistent, and reliable advice from Amedee USA and their EBX Tannins.
From the desk of Doug Manning:
"IF you decided to pick BEFORE THE STORM (or are forced to pick early) look at EBX 810* powder tannin to add back that ripeness, the maturity that Nature made you sacrifice. A low dose of 400gm/ 1000gl now, then half of that again after secondary fermentation. You are probably looking at a reasonable pH, but be mindful. Consider some EBX Protect instead of sulfites. See more info here.
EBX 810 is pure French Oak tannin, untoasted, from 36 month aged wood. Technically a fermentation tannin, its’ use goes far beyond the actual fermentation. Mouth feel, softness and delightful and subtle French Oak aromas. This would be a great tool to keep on hand during those vintages when you think to yourself, "Here comes the rain; AGAIN!"
*Add 15gm/hL (that’s 100 grams per ton) at pressing of the reds and another 10gm/hL after MLF (that’s 350gms per 1000gal).
If you were unscathed by the hurricane and are picking at your leisure, think of EBX VBX2* powder as your color extraction, color stabilization tannin to add directly to the crushed fruit. High Gallic Acid Equivalent (GAE), a blend of chestnut, grape seed and French oak: this tannin is a radical departure from other brands as the French Oak component softens the sensory and allows aroma development during the fermentation. Most other fermentation tannins have between 0 and none % oak, relying on other wood-type products. Often adding a bitterness, we confuse the post fermentation astringency with grape seed, stem, skin that requires removal later. Thus far, nobody measures the tannin effect of non-oak components in post fermentation flavors.
*Add 80 - 120gm per ton of EBX VBX2 powder to your fresh grapes at harvest. KEEP IT SIMPLE: REHYDRATE AND ADD."
The recommended dosage rate above do not equate to more, more, more. Please contact us with technical questions on the when, how much and why of Amedee USA's EBX Tannins.
Doug Manning
Doug Manning Consulting
Learn more about Amedee USA at Enotools.