Tired of too many jax? Too much wasted fruit?
Too often, when we consult on wine grape processing equipment, there is a degree of doubt when we start the discussion by asking how the grapes arrive at the winery. How do they arrive? 1/2 ton bins? Lugs? Gondola trailer?
This is a really important question. Your destemmer can be a new, commercial grade, well- built, gentle, and easy to clean destemmer like our Vega series of destemmers. But it may also be a viscous beast that is less than gentle than what we consider modern? Maybe it could be improved upon? Maybe it's the way it's being fed which could make the most difference?
The truth is that when you deliver a constant, metered flow of grapes to any destemmer, you preserve more of the quality of what was on the vine. You will see less stem material, more whole berries, and less wasted fruit stuck to the rakus in the bin if you can nail down the flow rate of grapes coming in.
Meet the American made, Carlsen Receiving Hoppers:
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