Why your next press should come from Carlsen.
Not short on looks these days, the Carlsen & Associates line of Puleo presses are different. Sure, it still rotates, inflates, and deflates just like it should. But times have changed. Our initial quality is the culmination of decades of improvements which now include aesthetics.
Three modes of operation means that you can drive it through the four- color touchpad, leave it on auto pilot, or manually control all function through an isolated set of controls on a tethered remote designed independently from the brain. You can customize twelve programs to press the grapes. We have shortened operating time with a couple of clever shortcuts in the last couple of vintages, too.
You will be trained in person by your Carlsen First Responder. Any parts needed are housed at Carlsen, available at the local electrical/ industrial supply house, or both. 24- hour technical support is available from Carlsen technicians all the way through harvest. Pre- harvest maintenance is free the first two years and more than affordable for the next twenty.
Your true cost of ownership is our value. The word is so misused these days that some folks think value means "lowest price". When Carlsen uses the word "value", they are saying that you could have paid more and gotten less. You could have gotten a machine which was built to a price point or which is expensive but full of obvious shortcuts to preserve margin. Carlsen specs domestically available parts of a higher grade when prices could have been lower on harder to find pieces. Our units come with Initial quality, support, and the human factor of experience in the wine industry. We sell a solution which is well thought out and designed to last.
The Carlsen Press Ownership Experience:
The thought that goes into our press is evidenced by the inclusion of a drain pan and screen ($2200 value) which doubles as a pumpover sump. Our presses are 1/2- ton bin height for easy pomace removal. We save water with our proprietary cleaning method. Carlsen presses pay for themselves quicker with less down time, less confusion during operation, and less time spent hunting down a troubleshooter who can get you back up to speed in one phone call 90% of the time. Carlsen never fails to exceed the customer's expectations when the chips are down. And everybody's chips fall sooner or later. The Carlsen difference is what we do about it.
Ask for references and a price. Our customers will do the selling.